Company Overview
Rocky Mountain Natural Gas LLC (RMNG) is an intrastate pipeline company serving the western slope of Colorado. RMNG has approximately 550 miles of transmission pipe, 1 operated gas processing plant, 1 non-operated gas processing plant and multiple compression facilities. RMNG provides intrastate transportation services for both on-system and off-system deliveries. RMNG has interconnects with TransColorado, CIG, Questar, NWPL, PSCo (Xcel) and various producers. RMNG has bi-directional flow, dependent on load demand.
Contact Information
For Commercial Contact information: Sam Tobin, (816) 261-1412
For Gas Scheduling information: Gas Scheduling, 1-800-232-1850 during and after normal business hours.
For Invoice information: Gas Scheduling, 1-800-232-1850
(FTS) Firm Transportation Service
Provides firm transportation service where customers have rights to pipeline and point capacities on the basis of contracted receipt and delivery points. Additionally, customers may have access to other points within and outside the selected path.
(ITS) Interruptible Transportation Service
Provides interruptible transportation service. Customers with this service have access to receipt and delivery points on the system as defined in the applicable Tariff and transportation service agreement.
(MCS) Market Center Services
Provides interruptible Parking, Loaning, Title Tracking Transfer and Wheeling services on the system.
(NNS) No-Notice Storage Service
Required firm no-notice storage service for on-system delivery points that are geographically situated proximate to company owned storage assets and is utilized to meet fluctuating demand requirements. NNS has seasonal injection and withdrawal parameters and a Maximum Available Capacity ("MAC"). This service allows shippers to utilize the embedded firm transportation component separately from storage throughout the year.
(APAL) Interruptible Automatic Park and Loan Service
Required interruptible parking and loaning of gas service for on-system delivery points that provides daily balancing of receipts and deliveries.